The General Cultural Competency Profile (GCCP) provides a measure of cultural competence against research determined skills that are essential to work effectively with Aboriginal people. Upon completing the GCCP a cultural individual plan is provided to enable the improvement of cultural competencies identified as deficient over time.
Once undertaken a feedback report of results or General Cultural Competency Profile is provided. This enables individuals and organisations to consider the specific gaps (and strengths) that exist in essential skills, knowledge and attitudes in being able to work in a culturally appropriate way with Aboriginal people. Importantly, it also provides specific strategies within the feedback report which are geared towards the improvement of cultural competencies. These can be resources, literature, training or specific skills to improve over time as part of professional development.
In effect the feedback report becomes a cultural supervision plan which can be used to develop your skills over time. Importantly, you are also able to complete a re-evaluation at any stage to determine skills improvement over time.
The GCCP provides feedback across the following dimensions of cultural competence as determined by research (see Westerman, 2003):
1. Cultural Knowledge
Is your local & general cultural knowledge sufficient? Are you able to also apply that knowledge in a way that is effective? Do have specific knowledge on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people to guide you?
2. Skills
Are your skills in being able to communicate and/or teach effectively? Do you understand differences in communication as well as learning style differences? Do you see it as necessary to take these differences into account in interactions with Aboriginal people?
3. Beliefs and Attitudes & Encounters
Whether there is full awareness of any of your internal biases and prejudices towards other cultural groups and to what extent might this be an issue for you. Do you have a desire to be culturally competent? Do you have sufficient links with Aboriginal people and communities to ensure that you are able to improve your practice and have you had sufficient encounters to be able to learn the types of skills that are effective with Aboriginal people and communities?
4. Organisational Cultural Competencies
Do you view your organisation as ‘culturally competent? Do they demonstrate a commitment to cultural issues? Have they implemented certain strategies that demonstrate this commitment? Are there areas in which you believe the organisation is doing well and not so well? IPS is able to determine your organisational cultural competencies for you. Simply decide on the number of staff that you wish to undertake the GCCP. They will be provided with individual profiles but in additional you can have IPS determine the ‘group’ results and what this means in terms of our overall organisational cultural competencies. You will then be provided with a report with comprehensive recommendations. Many organisations have their staff undertake the GCCP annually and track the competencies against any internal cultural awareness or competencies programs.
There are many options to consider. Speak to IPS today about tailoring a cultural competency program for your organisation and staff!
For an example of the report Click Here