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Mission Statement

IPS aims to set a benchmark for the delivery of culturally competent mental health services for Aboriginal (Australian) people. This will be achieved through the continued development and delivery of evidence based best practice in our programs, services and products


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A powerful memoir that explores how one Indigenous woman from the Pilbara transformed psychology.

In this ground-breaking memoir, Tracy draws on client stories of trauma, heartbreak, hope and connection from her years of practice, offering a no-holds-barred reflection on how the monocultural, one-size-fits-all approach to psychology is failing Aboriginal people and how she’s healing those wounds. Jilya is a story of drive and determination, of what it takes to create change when the odds are stacked against you. Above all, it is a story of one woman’s love for her people.

These pages helped me heal and get my strength back that grief had stolen from me after losing Mum and Dad. I know these pages will also have the ability to help others understand our culture and the intergenerational trauma we have carried through our lives. This book will definitely open hearts and minds and it put me on the right track to heal and feel like me again.’  Troy Cassar-Daley





A powerful memoir that explores how one Indigenous woman from the Pilbara transformed psychology.

In this ground-breaking memoir, Tracy draws on client stories of trauma, heartbreak, hope and connection from her years of practice, offering a no-holds-barred reflection on how the monocultural, one-size-fits-all approach to psychology is failing Aboriginal people and how she’s healing those wounds. Jilya is a story of drive and determination, of what it takes to create change when the odds are stacked against you. Above all, it is a story of one woman’s love for her people.

These pages helped me heal and get my strength back that grief had stolen from me after losing Mum and Dad. I know these pages will also have the ability to help others understand our culture and the intergenerational trauma we have carried through our lives. This book will definitely open hearts and minds and it put me on the right track to heal and feel like me again.’  Troy Cassar-Daley


IPS is pleased to be able to offer to our clients two of their current training events in VIRTUAL form. As this involves additional cost, unfortunately those already registered for in-house training will not be able to transfer their places to virtual training. As a small business there is significant cost attached to both forms of training. Thank you for your understanding.

Due to high demand, two of our workshops are now available as live streamed remote workshops!

  • No travel expenses (flights, accomodation)
  • Low risk of cancellation due to COVID restrictions
  • More dates available
  • Tighter agendas
  • Convenience of viewing from the home/office
  • Cost-effective
  • Increased employee productivity
  • Balanced collaboration

In our busy world, streaming workshops offer a learning and participation experience from the comfort of your own home or office, wherever in the world that might be.

There is currently no online/virtual training available. 

Scholarship Program


A unique and exciting opportunity to invest in building future generations of Indigenous psychologists to make a difference in our most vulnerable Indigenous Communities

Scholarship Program


A unique and exciting opportunity to invest in building future generations of Indigenous psychologists to make a difference in our most vulnerable Indigenous Communities

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Our Services

Our Values

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Our business, from the beginning, has operated successfully and independently WITHOUT government funding, subsidies or assistance

We strive to address inequity and disadvantage by providing unpaid services that we deem essential to addressing chronic mental health needs in Aboriginal communities

Our success in attracting business, is based on our ability to deliver a product that is of the highest possible quality

We achieve this by SELF FUNDING the research and development of unique programs, services and products to ensure

We operate to provide specialist mental health and psychology specific services for the betterment of Aboriginal (Australian) people

We provide services that reflect an Aboriginal (not main stream) ‘world view’

We maintain quality assurance through insisting upon the demonstrated cultural competency of all of our consultants

Adjunct Professor Tracy Westerman

“Never let go of your dreams”

Let’s cultivate environments in which expectations of success are normalised rather than expectations of failure

Our Statement of Cultural Respect

IPS honours and respects the traditional owners across this vast land in which we provide our services and acknowledge that there is no greater honour than to work for the betterment of our people.

We are thankful for the contributions of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians who walk this journey with us every day.

Celebrating 20 Years 1998 - 2018

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Mission Statement

IPS aims to set a benchmark for the delivery of culturally competent mental health services for Aboriginal (Australian) people. This will be achieved through the continued development and delivery of evidence based best practice in our programs, services and products