IPS has a strong reputation for the successful delivery of training across Australia and into remote and rural regions which would difficult to surpass.

Delivery of training across Australia and into remote and rural regions.

At the forefront of research, development and delivery of Cultural Competency Intervention Programs (CCIPs) since 1998.

Unique psychometric tests for Aboriginal people, both scientifically and culturally valid.

Aboriginal specific mental health intervention programs.

Organisational cultural competency testing and analysis.
IPS honours and respects the traditional owners across this vast land in which we provide our services and acknowledge that there is no greater honour than to work for the betterment of our people.
We are thankful for the contributions of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians who walk this journey with us every day.
- Our business, from the beginning, has operated successfully and independently WITHOUT government funding, subsidies or assistance
- We strive to address inequity and disadvantage by providing unpaid services that we deem essential to addressing chronic mental health needs in Aboriginal communities
- Our success in attracting business, is based on our ability to deliver a product that is of the highest possible quality
- We achieve this by SELF FUNDING the research and development of unique programs, services and products to ensure
- We operate to provide specialist mental health and psychology specific services for the betterment of Aboriginal (Australian) people
- We provide services that reflect an Aboriginal (not main stream) ‘world view’
- We maintain quality assurance through insisting upon the demonstrated cultural competency of all of our consultants